Saturday, 2 October 2010

Dear Members,

Below is an extract from an e-mail received via the BTS website from an organisation called DocHouse, about a film they have produced:


I hope you don't mind me contacting you, I work for the non-profit organisation DocHouse and we'd like to invite you to our upcoming screenings of the African documentary Albino United. The film tells the story of a Tanzanian football team made up of albinos, a group of young men with the ambition to prove to the country that they are able to take part in everyday society, and more importantly, play football. The screening is being held at Riverside Studios on October 6th at 7pm, we’d love to see you there and would be very grateful if you could pass on the details to all your members.

Many Thanks,

Charlotte Balnave


As part of a festival of screenings across London celebrating five years of quality documentary programming on More4, DocHouse and More4 are proud to present two riveting documentaries followed by Q&As with the filmmakers.

WHEN: Wednesday 6th October 2010 at 7pm
Riverside Studios, Crisp Road, Hammersmith, London, W6 9RL
To book click here or call 020 8237 1111.
Tickets: £7.50 (£6.50 concession) per screening

Wednesday 6th October at 7pm

Film by Barney Broomfield, Marc Hoeferlin and Juan Reina, UK/Tanzania, 2009, 72 min

In Tanzania, where albinos are murdered and their body parts used for 'magic' potions, a brave group of albinos are using football to spread the message that they too are members of society.

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